Colhio Grant Consulting can advise and assist grantors through every step of the grant life cycle, including funding opportunity planning, application review and scoring, risk assessment, technical assistance, financial and performance report review, evaluating scope or budget change requests, monitoring progress and deliverables, and audit advising.
In the Planning phase, a grantor will identify a population, area of need, type of project, etc. that can be helped through grant funding. In this phase, available funding amounts, timelines, and other requirements may be identified. Applicant scoring criteria can also be developed during planning.
A funding opportunity announcement (or solicitation) communicates information from the grantor to potential applicants about the available funding, purpose of the grant(s), eligibility, and how to apply.
Applications may be received from many applicants. Grantors will answer questions and collect applications. Applications will need to be reviewed and scored, and applicant accounting systems, internal controls, organizational structure, governance, and business documentation may be reviewed as well to assess applicant risk.
The grantor notifies successful applicants, and as a best practice should also notify those that were not accepted for funding. The grantee generally must formally accept the award and its terms and conditions, commonly including use of an adequate accounting system and reporting requirements.
The grantee is responsible for properly managing its grant and performing the intended work for the funded project or program. However, the grantor should be a resource to help the grantee to be successful. Grantors can provide technical assistance to grantees and subgrantees, and can help grantees by closely reviewing financial and performance reports to catch any issues before they become too large to fix. The grantor or an external auditor may also conduct desk reviews (a form of remote audit), site visits, or audits during this phase to monitor performance.
The grantor is also responsible to its own donors and funders, and must manage its grantees effectively and demonstrate responsible stewardship of funds.
Final financial and performance reports are often required at the end of the grant’s life cycle, to show that the grant was fully expended and the project or program was completed as intended. Remaining grant funds can be returned at this time. The grant may be subject to audit during this phase.
As a best practice, the grantor should require the grantee to retain grant records for a specified period of time, during which those records can be subject to audit.
Let Colhio Grant Consulting assist with your grant administration needs, so you can focus on your mission.
Colhio Grant Consulting
Grant Planning ♦ Grant Management ♦ Reporting & Monitoring