
Colhio Grant Consulting is a small grant-, business-, and audit consulting firm located near Denver, Colorado. Our focus is on providing quality grant advising and support services and business consulting to small- and medium-businesses, nonprofits, tribal organizations, government agencies, and other entities. Our mission is to provide quality, personal service that protects our client and helps them to be more productive, effective, and efficient. As a small boutique business, we only take on a handful of clients at a time.

Colhio Grant Consulting Principal Alan Skerl has three decades of professional experience in the private and public sectors, including 20 years in non-profit and federal grant research and writing, grant administration and management, grant policy making, grant performance and compliance auditing, and audit management for programs in excess of $100 million. He has written successful grant proposals in excess of $100,000; reviewed, assessed, and scored grant proposals in excess of $10 million; and reviewed, assessed, and monitored financial, performance, and closeout reports for grants in excess of $70 million. Prior to following the path to public service and consulting, Alan earned an MBA in Management and began his career with a decade working in construction project management and hospitality management.

When he’s not working hard to help his clients successfully administer and manage grants, Alan can be found enjoying time in the mountains with his kids.

Contact us to find out how Colhio Grant Consulting can help your organization.